Nanoom Lee

(A final year Ph.D candidate in physics at New York University)



726 Broadway

New York, NY 10003

Hi, I’m Nanoom. I’m at NYU since Fall 2018, working with two amazing scholars, Prof. Yacine Ali-Haïmoud and Prof. Roman Scoccimarro.

I got my M.A in physics at Stony Brook in 2018 where I worked with Prof. Marilena LoVerde. During this time I had been supported by the Korean Government Scholarship for Overseas Study. My B.S in physics and mathematics is from Korea University in 2016 with First Rank Graduation Award.

I’m broadly interested in theoretical cosmology including CMB, recombination, large-scale structure of the universe, redshift-space distortion, DM-baryon scattering, 21cm.

If you have any questions or want to discuss something, feel free to contact me via email!